We blinked and it happened. This crazy year, the one that felt like it would never end? Well, it is. Time is marching on and despite all odds, here we are, fast approaching another holiday season and rounding the corner to the new year.
And if there’s anything 2020 needs, it’s a glorious holiday season. It needs over-the-top decorations, safe yet festive gatherings, and tons and tons of food, wonderful food. I’m no scientist, but the foodie in me knows somewhere deep inside that this is exactly what we’re all craving.
But what should we eat during this holiday season? From tamales to turkeys and pies to pastas, there’s no end to the deliciousness. How on earth do we choose?
Don’t worry, Frisco. We did the dirty work and hard and heavy research in order to help you in your quest for the best and tastiest holiday season. We left no stone unturned, no side dish untasted, and went straight to the source — the expert source, that is.
Check out what Frisco’s best foodies have to say about their favorite holiday dishes. Hopefully, you’ll walk away inspired and excited for your upcoming holiday feasts.
Scott Hoffner, Owner and Executive Chef at Didi’s Downtown:
“My two favorite delish dishes that I can’t wait to have every Turkey day is a fluffy pumpkin tort that my mom used to make — it’s crazy time consuming and so delicious. My other must-have is deep-fried, injected turkey. That’s the only thing I cook at Thanksgiving.”
Rich Vana, Owner and Chef at The Heritage Table:
“My favorite holiday dish is family-centric: klobasa sauerkraut. My family has a strong Slovak heritage, and every New Year’s Eve (which also happens to be my father’s birthday) my mom sears and then simmers klobasa sausage in sauerkraut. It’s not a subtle dish: meaty, acidic, funky, salty, smoky, and a little spicy, there’s no mistaking it. I, of course, love the flavors, but the nostalgia tied to it lends it an essence that can’t be substituted with any kind of more traditional dish.”
David Spirito, Senior Director, Culinary Food and services at Avocados From Mexico:
“Being Italian, we celebrate the feast of the seven fishes. This has been a tradition in my family dating back to my great grandfather. I love bringing that tradition and great food to my kids and seeing the joy in their faces, just as I had as a kid many years ago. One of my favorite dishes is Baccala con peperoni cruschi — or cod fish with peppers. This is a great balance of tender salted cod with the sweet peppers and spicy flavors.”
Jeff Dominguez, owner of Tupy’s Frisco:
“My favorite holiday food would have to be tamales. Making them every year is a tradition in my family. It gathers everyone together in the kitchen and is a full event centered around the kitchen. It’s fond memories coupled with amazing flavor. What more could you want in a holiday food?”
Chef Javier at Bistro Trio Euro Tavern:
“One of my favorite holiday dishes is Foie Gras Ravioli. It’s an appetizer prepared with wild mushrooms, thyme, and port wine. It’s also a part of one of my favorite holiday menus that includes: a charcuterie board of French, Italian, and Spanish meats and cheeses, butter-poached Maine lobster salad, grilled Wagyu ribeye with mashed gruyere potatoes and asparagus, and a chocolate souffle with raspberry sauce. Everything comes together so beautifully. I’m passionate about flavors that make people happy. It’s why I do what I do.”
Meaghan Dawson, BeautyFromBurntToast.com (well, me, of course):
“I’m not a turkey fan, which seems disloyal to my poor husband who faithfully fries a beautiful bird every year, but give me all the sides and I am a happy lady. My absolute favorite is Sweet Potato Casserole. I’m talking about the one with marshmallows, pecans, and all the trimmings. Mine is a bit updated, using fresh sweet potatoes instead of canned, but it gives me all the nostalgic feels and reminds me with every bite just why I love the holiday season.”
Mo Assi, Chef and Owner, Crush Taco:
“I love the holiday season! Food, football, and family, what could be better? When it comes to my favorite holiday dish well I gotta roll with the classic sage and sausage stuffing. Golden brown bread, mixed with herbs and spices and tossed with ground sausage and water chestnuts. Mmmm tasty, this is a staple at our home around the holidays.”
We agree, Mo. We want to know, Frisco, what about you? What is your favorite holiday dish? Tell us in the comments or, better yet, tag us in a pic on your social. We love to see all the goodies that Frisco is eating this holiday season. (Bonus if you give us the recipe, too!)
Related Reads:
Holiday Entertaining: Advice From a Local Wine Expert
The Perfect Pumpkin Pie (With a Secret Ingredient You NEED to Know About)