This article is sponsored by Horizon Hot Yoga.
Sometimes life can become a bit blasé and routine. Which, can flow right down to your yoga mat, even if you’re an enthusiast… To find continued fulfillment in your practice, consider trying a new class style or specialized workshop. You just might rekindle that love affair with your yoga practice, or discover another style that you enjoy.
Do What Makes Your Soul Happy
A good yoga experience can be transformative, which is exactly what happened to Horizon Hot Yoga owners Mike and Mary Von Ahnen. Once nay-sayers to the world of yoga, they got bit by the “yoga bug,” opened Horizon in Frisco, and have never looked back.
To consistently provide their students with an engaging, invigorating experience, the Studio frequently hosts special classes and workshops that are taught by highly sought-after, world-renowned yogis. They’ve hosted big names like Carson Clay Calhoun, Ben Sears, JJ Garcia, Gil Perez, and more. These carefully curated workshops have inspired many yogis in their practice — in many cases, ushering them into a new favorite style.
Trying something new is often the challenge our soul is craving and Horizon’s variety of offerings is anything but predictable. One guest instructor explored the lymphatic system and helped students learn how to better take care of their health. Others have delved into styles such as Rocket, Ashtanga, and Sacred Geometry yoga. For playful students, Horizon has offered handstand and back bending workshops.
The broad range of classes and workshops allows each student to experience a variety of unique teaching styles and learn what resonates on a personal level. And it’s anything but blasé.
Your Mat is a Canvas. Your Yoga, a Work of Art
Ready to roll out your mat for a new experience? On May 15th, from 12:00 – 3:00 pm, Yogi Guru Eric Shaw will be in the studio offering a workshop in Prasana Yoga.
What’s Prasana Yoga? Prasana is a combination of a slow Indian-style dance, Tai Chi, and martial arts. Eric curated the practice based on his training in Shadow Yoga and Shiva Nata.
The unique sequence educates students on how to gracefully flow from one asana to the next. The movements are so lovely that you might feel somewhat ballerina-esque!
If you’ve wanted to learn more about the roots of yoga, but you’re not the biggest fan of a humdrum lecture, Eric’s the perfect teacher for you. He utilizes a unique learning technique called “Yoga Education through Imagery” — or YEI. The teaching style explores the various aspects of yoga history, philosophy, and science through visual works of art.

Eric’s technique has proven so effective that he has now lectured all over the world at yoga conferences. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words…
At the May 15th workshop, you’ll receive a 90-minute YEI lecture along with 90 minutes of meditation and Prasana movements.
Can’t get enough?
If Eric Shaw’s Prasana practice moves you, consider taking Horizon’s 200-hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training this September/October, where he’ll be a keynote speaker.
Whether you choose to attend the training to become a teacher OR simply to deepen your practice, you’ll walk away with a thorough yoga education. The training will cover anatomy, asanas, philosophy, and preparation to teach.
The training will also teach you about proper alignment — an important key element to yoga. Having good alignment keeps the joints in their proper position and reduces the chance of injury.
Believe it or not, proper alignment trickles right over into good posture — which improves your quality of breathing! If you’re slouching or hunched over it causes the chest to tighten up. This limits the rib cage from functioning properly and causes you to take shallow and rapid breaths. Good posture, however, allows you to breathe deep into the belly. It also improves your heart rate and reduces blood pressure.
And if learning all of THAT isn’t reason enough to invest in deepening your yoga practice, consider this: yoga’s spiritual nature tends to help people discover a deeper sense of self and purpose in life. That sounds like a great way to WAKE your soul up and keep life from becoming anything but routine.
Along with Eric Shaw, the Yoga Allliance Teacher Training will feature Horizon’s seasoned instructors Sally Scott and AJ Crowell. (Curious about their teaching styles? Consider sampling their work by taking a regularly scheduled yoga class.)
Sally Scott is known for her high-energy vinyasa classes and vivacious personality! (As one of her yoga students, I can tell you that her classes are never boring.) Then, be prepared to go holistic with AJ Crowell. She’s the queen of sound healing meditation through the usage of singing bowls, chimes, and other vibrations.
Ready to find fulfillment and deepen your yoga practice?
Visit Horizon Hot Yoga online and learn more about their upcoming workshops and classes! For more information about the Yoga Allliance Teacher Training, call Horizon at (469) 664-0110 or email
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