The only thing better than a big Thanksgiving feast is a Thanksgiving feast after a good run for a good cause.
The North Texas Turkey Trot is back, so get ready to get your run on this Thanksgiving morning. You can walk/run the “miracle mile”, 5k, or 10k race and 100% of the proceeds will go to the Miracle League of Frisco.
The race makes a great family tradition on Thanksgiving morning, with many participants choosing to dress up for the occasion in everything from fall-themed flair to turkey costumes!
If you’re interested in volunteering you can register online. You’re also welcome to come hang out with us at the Lifestyle Frisco media sponsor booth!
Now tune in and hear from Allison Burum for all of the fun details! Registration prices go up on November 6th so register now!
The Frisco Podcast is brought to you on the Real News Communications Network.
This episode of the Frisco Podcast is brought to you by Tumbleweed Texstyles - Miracle League of Frisco on Lifestyle Frisco
- Miracle League of Frisco
- North Texas Turkey Trot
- #ntTurkeyTrot
- #runFirstEatLater
- Tumbleweed Textiles
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